Valentina Di Nunno
Valentina Di Nunno is a PhD student in Linguistics at the VUB, with a bilateral cooperation within the framework of a Joint PhD at the University of Sevilla. She is currently involved in research on intercultural pragmatics and L2 adquisition, with a particular focus on the teaching of discourse markers in Spanish language as L2.
Beside the development of her PhD project, under the supervision of Prof. Dr An Vande Castele and Catalina Fuentes Rodríguez, she is involved in the implementation of the interuniversity project “Pracomul” with the collaboration of the University of Seville, the Univervity of Palermo and the University of Ljubliana.
She is also a member of the research group CROS- CROSSING THE BORDER BETWEEN ENGLISH AND SPANISH embedded within Ghent University (UGent) and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Selected publications
Di Nunno, V. & Vande Casteele, A., 12 Jan 2023, El dinamismo del sistema lingüístico: operadores y construcciones del español . Fuentes Rodríguez, C., Padilla Herrada, M. S. & Pérez Béjar, V. (eds.). Collección Lingüística- Editorial Universidad de Sevilla ed. Sevilla: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, Vol. 75. p. 557-570
Di Nunno, V., 29 Jun 2022, Estudios de lingüística hispánica. Teorías, Datos, Contextos y Aplicaciones. Mariottini, L. & Palmerini, M. (eds.). Dykinson, p. 1255-1275 20 p.
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