Prof. Dr. Mathieu Declerck
Faculty staff and postdoctoral researchers
I got my Bachelor and Master degree at Ghent University (Belgium). After graduating, I spent 9 months at the Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary). Following this internship, I was accepted at the RWTH Aachen University (Germany), where I obtained my PhD (title: “Bilingual language control: The effects of sequential predictability on language switching”). After obtaining my doctorate, I obtained a post-doc position at Aix-Marseille University (France), followed by a post-doc position at San Diego State University (USA) & Radboud University (the Netherlands). I am currently a Senior Research Fellow (tenure track) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), where my focus is on multilingual language processing.
Selected publications
- Declerck, M., & Koch, I. (in press). The concept of inhibition in bilingual control. Psychological Review.
- Declerck, M., Meade, G., Midgley, K. J., Holcomb, P. J., Roelofs, A., & Emmorey, K. (2021). Language control in bimodal bilinguals: Evidence from ERPs. Neuropsychologia, 161, 108019.
- Declerck, M., Wen, Y., Snell, J., Meade, G., & Grainger, J. (2020). Unified syntax in the bilingual mind. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 27, 149-154.
- Declerck, M., Kleinman, D., & Gollan, T. (2020). Which bilinguals reverse language dominance and why? Cognition, 204, 104384.
- Kirk, N. W., Kempe, V., Scott-Brown, K., Philipp, A. M., & Declerck, M. (2018). Can monolinguals be like bilinguals? Evidence from dialect switching. Cognition, 170, 164-178.
Office 5B446
VUB Main Campus
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene