Prof. Dr. Koen Kerremans
I am an Associate Professor in Terminology and Translation technology at VUB, teaching courses on Research methods in applied linguistics and Terminology in the Bachelor programme of Applied Linguistics and courses on Technologies for translators and Simulated translation bureaus at the master’s level (translation/multilingual mediation).
I hold a Master’s degree in Linguistics & Literary Studies (English-Dutch) from the University of Antwerp (2001), a postgraduate degree in Language Sciences from the University of Ghent (2002) and a PhD in Applied Linguistics from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2014). My PhD research involved a comparative study of terminological variation appearing in EU texts in English, French and Dutch.
My current research interests pertain to translation and multilingual communication practices in institutional contexts (e.g. contexts of asylum and migration or health). I am particularly interested in how digital tools (specialised language resources and applications) can help in bridging possible language and cultural barriers during multilingual service encounters in such (sometimes crisis-related) settings (e.g. communication between asylum seekers and service providers or between patients and medical professionals). I have been involved in externally funded projects focusing on multilingual communication practices (including translation and interpreting) in the domains of asylum and migration (e.g. the VTOH and AMICA projects) or health (e.g. the MATCHeN and MHEALTH4ALL projects) and am always interested in new research collaboration opportunities on these topics.
Apart from that, I am also interested in topics related to specialised communication and translation/interpreting (in particular: topics related to public service interpreting and translation) as well as topics in Terminology research (e.g. terminological variation; multilingual terminography; metaphorical terms; (applications of) termbases and terminological knowledge bases, terminology management).
Selected publications
Van de Mieroop, D., Cox, A., & Kerremans, K. (2023). Public service interpreting in social care. In L. Gavioli, & C. Wadensjö (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Public Service Interpreting (pp. 225-241). (Routledge Handbooks in Translation and Interpreting Studies). Routledge.
Štefková, M., Kerremans, K., & Bossaert, B. (Eds.) (2020). Training public service interpreters and translators: a European perspective. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave.
Kerremans, K., Lázaro Gutiérrez, R., Stengers, H., Cox, A., & Rillof, P. (2019). Technology Use by Public Service Interpreters and Translators: The Link Between Frequency of Use and Forms of Prior Training. FITISPos, 6(1), 107-122.
Kerremans, K., Cox, A., Lázaro Gutiérrez, R., Rillof, P., & Stengers, H. (2018). On the use of technologies in public service interpreting and translation settings. In T. Read, S. Montaner, & B. Sedano (Eds.), Technological Innovation for Specialized Linguistic Domains: Languages for Digital Lives and Cultures Proceedings of TISLID’18 (pp. 57-68). Editions Universitaires Européennes.
Kerremans, K., De Ryck, L-P., De Tobel, V., Janssens, R., Rillof, P., & Scheppers, M. (2018). Bridging The Communication Gap In Multilingual Service Encounters: A Brussels Case Study. The European Legacy, 23(7-8), 757-772.
Stengers, H., Kerremans, K., & Segers, J. (2018). Integrating virtual conference tools in interpreter and translator training. Trans-Kom: Zeitschrift für Translationswissenschaft und Fachkommunikation, 11(2), 220-237.
Kerremans, K. (2017). Applying computer-assisted coreferential analysis to a study of terminological variation in multilingual parallel corpora. In New perspectives on cohesion and coherence: implications for translation (pp. 49-75). (Translation and Multilingual Natural Language Processing). Language Science Press
Kerremans, K. (2017). Towards a resource of semantically and contextually structured term variants and their translations. In P. Drouin, A. Francoeur, J. Humbley, & A. Picton (Eds.), Multiple Perspectives on Terminological Variation (pp. 83-108). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
For a complete list of my publications, click here.
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