Mathieu Van Obberghen
Mathieu Van Obberghen is a doctoral researcher within the Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies (LIST) of the Faculty of Languages and Humanities. He first obtained a Bachelor's degree in Applied Linguistics in 2015, followed by a Master's degree in Interpreting in 2016 (Dutch-German-Italian). For his master's thesis, he conducted research on strategies used by EU interpreters for translating neologisms. In 2018, he was appointed as a teaching assistant within the Master's programme in Interpreting and as a research assistant taking part in an EU-funded education project on public service interpreting.
Under the supervision of prof. dr. Koen Kerremans (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and prof. dr. Heidi Salaets (KU Leuven), he is currently doing research – as part of his PhD – on how legal interpreters deal with terminological challenges. His main research interests include topics related to dialogue interpreting, legal interpreting, interpreter training and terminology. At the time of writing, he is affiliated with two research groups at VUB: BCLS (Brussels Centre for Language Studies) and BCUS (Brussels Centre for Urban Studies).
Selected publications
Stengers, H., Van Obberghen, M., & Kerremans, K. (2020). Institutionalisation and professionalisation of Public Service Interpreting and Translation in Belgium. In M. Štefková, K. Kerremans, & B. Bossaert (Eds.), Training public service interpreters and translators: a European perspective (pp. 58-70). Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave.
Van Obberghen, M., Temmerman, R., & Kerremans, K. (2018). Simultaneous Interpretation of Neosemanticisms in EU Press Conferences: Translations of «Hotspot», «Relocation» and «Resettlement» into Dutch and German. CLINA: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Communication, 4(1), 59-81.
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1050 Elsene