Luz María Sánchez
Predoctoral scholars
María Sánchez completed a BA in Linguistics at Leipzig University (Germany) and an MA in Linguistics and Literature at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB, Belgium). Currently, she is an FWO fellow in the department of Linguistics and Literary Studies at the VUB, working under the supervision of Prof. Mathieu Declerck (VUB), Prof. Esli Struys (VUB) and Prof. David Peeters (Tilburg University, Netherlands). Her PhD project investigates bilingual language control through language switching, using a more ecologically valid experimental setup that relies on immersive Virtual Reality.
Selected publications
- Sánchez, L. M., Struys, E., & Declerck, M. (2022) Ecological validity and bilingual language control: voluntary language switching between sentences. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 37, 615-623. doi:
- Sánchez, L. M., Philipp, A. M., Struys, E., & Declerck, M. (accepted). Bilingual language production. In R. Hartsuiker and K. Strijkers (Eds), Current Issues in the Psychology of Language (pp. xx-xx). Abingdon: Routledge.
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