Eva Marie Koch
Eva Koch studied French, Spanish and German linguistics and literature at the KU Leuven, majoring in French linguistics during the MA program. Thereafter, she received an MA degree in Linguistics from the Radboud University Nijmegen, specializing in experimental psycholinguistics. She is currently working on her PhD dissertation at the VUB under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Alex Housen and Dr. Aline Godfroid. Her research investigates implicit and explicit second language learning processes and knowledge, incorporating both learning experiments and eye-tracking.
PhD thesis topic
“Bridging the gap: Linking noticing and the implicit L2 acquisition of grammatical subregularities in a natural second language”
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alex Housen (VUB); co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Aline Godfroid (Michigan State University)
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels